Wednesday, April 2, 2008

Sense & Sensibility: Comment #2

I've finished watching both (!) the 2008 miniseries and also the 1995 movie and I've got to confess, they are both good!!!!!!!! Excellent! Fabulous! Marvellous! Romantic!!!

I'm quite torn apart on who will make the better out of the characters as all the actors were splendid!

Elinor Dashwood: I preferred Hattie Morahan than Emma Thompson on this one because I think Emma Thompson's a little to old for the character. But feature wise, I would say Emma looks prettier than Hattie.

Marianne Dashwood: Both Kate Winslet and Charity Wakefield were great portraying Marianne as a headstrong, idealistic and emotional girl. But I felt the miniseries gave more "life" and drama to Marianne's character, especially when she was jilted by Willoughby.

Edward Ferrars: Both Hugh Grant and Dan Stevens were dashing and handsome. However, I felt both did not really bring out the character of Edward. Overall, Dan Stevens make a better Edward than Hugh Grant. Sorry're a little too "kayu"....

Colonel Brandon: ALAN RICKMAN's the man!!! Sexy! Both in voice and appearance! muahaha! Although I find it difficult to understand his accent compared to David Morrissey.

Mrs Dashwood: Well, I find the "mom" character were quite different in both series. The older movie portrays the mom as quite light-headed, temperamental and insolence at times but the new version portrays the mom as someone who keeps her head, have a quiet demeanor and calm. Haha! Both have their own advantages.

Mr. Palmer: Definitely HUGH LAURIE (of House MD fame in case you dunno). I didn't notice it was him as he was way thinner, has black hair and... younger. Haha! But he also played the sarcastic son-in-law of Mrs. Jennings.

Willoughby: I've got to say Dominic Cooper in the new version makes a better villain than the 1995 movie. Wah~ really...If you watch the new version, you'll definitely feel like giving him a nice punch that'll break his nose.

Lucy Steele: Daisy Haggard (2008) makes a very cunning and malicious Ms Steele and compared to the older version as the older version portrayed her as someone ditzy. The new version made her look calculative and how she ditched Edward when he was disinherited and married the brother instead.

Robert Ferrars: Definitely the old version. Richard Lumsden did a good job of making Robert "sissy-fied" and plain ridiculous.

Fanny Ferrars-Dashwood: Both version gave a great performance as the evil sister-in-law to the Dashwood girls.

Margaret Dashwood: The youngest daughter. Both played the character very well but I've gotta say the older version, played by Emilie Francois was "brattier" than the other version.

Alright. That's all for my analysis. I'll stop here or it'll never end. Allow me to sum up.

I love the older version as it gave a classic view of it but then the newer version on BBC would be far more entertaining and addictive as it has more drama and suspense to it as compared to the "gentlemanly" version of S&S. And I can't get enough of Hugh Laurie. Fantastic actor.

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