Thursday, June 5, 2008


I'm getting fatter!!! OH NO!!!!!!!!!! The food here is really huge in portion and fattening (milk, cheese, oil, meat...) AIyo!!!! In Msia oso not like this!!!!!

Very SCARED dy!!!! *panic attack*

Overall, I'm getting better with the cold here already. I can bear with my hands being cold and numb as well as understanding the whole sentence when talking to an Aussie.

You see, when the Aussies speak normally, you can understand them but they have the tendency to speak fast and mumble when they get confortable with you. Bad news for me coz when i speak in my ultra Malaysian accent (with all d "lahs") both of us would be staring at each other and not understand what just happened....

This week had been boring and yet interesting. I spent my week here in the Legal Practice Centre, aka another chambering program for Aussie law grads. The people here seemed cold and formal at first (especially my fellow "cell" mates in the room) coz they're just busy with tons and tons of work.

But once you get to know them better, they're actually nice and funny! Andrew went bonkers today due to the accumulated stress and work. Haha... Another "cell" mate was Adrienne, very motherly and takes good care of us...

I also saw something like a cat but not a cat yesterday on the rubbish dump digging for food. It was too big and fat for a cat so first thought was "MUSANG!"...cute guy!! You know the Japanese cartoons, where they always draw a raccoon... Ya...something like that.

Another shocker came in d form of The Star online. Petrol gone up to RM2.70 per litre. Insane~ Everything go up but not our salary... How are we suppose to sustain ourselves? At least here in the small, slow and boring Hobart, the pay is extremely good!! Even a normal labourer at the construction site earns more than $2000!!!! Aussie $ summore le!!!

The Msian Government must be joking.

Looks like i'll have a good reason to go on diet when i'm back from Australia. Everyday eat roti saja... *sigh*

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