Friday, June 20, 2008


Well, yesterday was an "encounter" day for me, as i've met with several cool stuffs as well as uncool people. I was in Bonorong Wildlife Park yesterday on a date with lotsa kangaroos, a wombat, a few Tasmanian devils and the koalas.

Kangaroos in the park were like cats in Malaysia. They were just all over the place, sleeping everywhere possible, although the majority chose to sunbathe in the open on a warm and sunny winter. Just feel free to go over and give them a hug or a nice scratch on the chest (the keeper told us that's the roos' favourite scratch spot). I was scared that they'll chew my hand off but after Lina gave them a nice pat on the head, i found out they're harmless like a house cat!

Most of the roos will be lazing under the sun but some will hop in your direction as we're given a bag of kanga food to feed them. The way they begged food off you, golly! It's like watching Puss in Boots in Shrek! Big, round, gleaming and sympathetic eyes... simply telling you to "PLEASE FEED ME!" haha!! I am sure they have tons of things to eat there.

Caution: wombats are EXTREMELY CUTE (!!!!!!!!) and they BITE. They're even cuter than the kangaroos!! The ones that the keeper showed us was still a babe (the mom died in a roadkill) with massive amount of fur (it's a total fur ball, round and fat). You'll just have that urge to grab that lil' fella and squish her in your arms!!

Unfortunately, the (rather handsome) keeper told us that wombats are not at all cute as they are FEROCIOUS and wild, chewing everything they see. The claws are deadly, so as their butts! The butt's a solid cartilage/bone, and if you knock on it you'll hear a hollow sound coming out of it like someone knocking on the door (it's not painful for them though). They use their invincible butt to kill their predators with just 1 knock under the chin. It can kill a dingo or wild dogs only by 1 blow! (that's for full-grown wombats). When it's turned wild, it cannot be seen during the day at all as they're nocturnals.

Next were the DEVILS. Contrary to popular belief, the devils were not at all that crazy, wild and insanely dangerous. They're even tamer as compared to the cute wombats! They can only run as fast as a chicken (haha!! That's what the cute keeper said), much slower than the wombats. They're great scavengers, and were the ultimate partner of the extinct Tasmanian tigers (the Batman & Robin of Tasmania), playing the role akin to a hyena. It can definitely climb up trees (amazing!) and their jaw strength's like that of a crocodile! We also hear they're always fighting and killing each other, but actually all their "devil-fights" are bluffs, coz they only have violent clashes with each other, but not really trying to chew each other off. They'll just "mouth" their opponent, not bite them. Occasionally, they get punctures on their butts from some pouncing devils from behind....

The koalas... not as i've expected. Seriously, they'll just hang onto their favourite spot on a eucalyptus tree and sleep on it for more than 20 hours a day, occasionally waking up to munch on their favourite eucalyptus leaves. I couldn't believe my eyes coz this guy was sleeping and "pooping" aka doing his big business at the same time. They seriously emit a lot of WMDs, even when they're sound asleep. They're bigger than i expected and i'm not sure if i could manage carrying one of them... Quite huge, like a 3 years old kid.

Another encounter was which a bunch of high school punks and i think the animals in the park were better behaved than them. So happens there were a few junior school kids in the bus with us so there you have it, American TV high-school flicks right in front of your eyes.

These punks were just picking on these 2 brothers (both were rather round with specs aka the "dorks") and it just made my blood boil!!! So i made a remark to Lina in BM, "I memang rasa sangat nak belasah diorang", and my hands were itching to do some damage. I know, don't be stupid. Even though they're still in their early high school years (13-14), they're still way bigger than i am.

The price of speaking up against them = harassment. All these punks/kids have no idea what they're doing, shouting and heckling racist remarks against me as a Chinese. But the good thing is at least they stopped focusing on the poor boy (he's only 7-8!!) and started picking on me.

So what do you do in such situation? Just shuddup and ignore them. The heckling became worse and worse (i think God's really testing me on my patience then) and if the bus driver didn't yell at them, threatening to kick them off the bus, i would have stood up and gave them a piece of my mind (not advisable). I would tell them whatever they're doing is so-not-cool (ala Paris Hilton accent, LOL).

They can only speak English (i bet it's full of grammatical errors & full of swear words) whereas i'm multi-lingua, I'm definitely smarter than them despite my size (brain matters) and I'm the only Chinese in the bus! What makes you cool is when you're different than others and that you have BRAINS.

Thank God my ordeal was over when these wannabe punks got off the bus earlier and i sure hope the boy wasn't traumatised. The brother tried so hard to protect him but obviously, he against a group of hooligans... Not a chance. Poor guy~ I would have stood up for the kids if they cross the line and i don't care even if it might cost me my life. heroic pulak~ But you would've done the same if you're in my situation. I was playing over and over again scenes of me slapping them and giving them my Taekwondo treatment if they try something funny. Hilarious... LOL (according to Cle).

Living the American TV shows indeed...

Frustrating yet fruitful day. I'm not sure if i passed the "Patience test" God put me through.... hahaha

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