Wednesday, January 14, 2009


I got a cool anime from Jason called "Ghost Hunt" and boy!! I was addicted to it right there and then when I watched it!

Most episodes were nerve-wrecking and outright spooky that I find it so much better (and scarier) than Ju-On! WAHH!!! My heart was beating 3x faster and I think my blood pressure just went up the roof watching it!

Haha... if you prefer more "oomph" to it... better watch it with your speakers full-blast and make sure you turn off all your lights. Muahahahahaha~

The plot is very interesting as well which will have you stuck like a glue to the anime and I am very impressed by the fact that legends or historical recordings they imported in this anime/manga were all very accurate, even though the story is fictional. Thus, the whole anime is not only freaky and entertaining, but downright interesting as it tells you about the myths and legends of Japan, as well as some other cultures outside of Japan.

I'm definitely gonna watch it one more time but to think of watching certain episodes again.... *shudder*.........

Giving me goosebumps now.

Yes yes yes....I know. I'm not supposed to scare myself. I should avoid watching and reading all these horror stories coz I'm made in God's image and "whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable - if anything if excellent or praiseworthy - think about such things!" (Philippians 4:8)


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